This is one of my favorite introductory lesson plans as I teach a unit on "Imaging" in a digital media communications class. This lesson or test offers a broad range of different images of celebrities in our culture for the students to try to identify from their visual likeness. The students number their paper from 1-42 to see how many of these famous likenesses they can identify, and when the answers are revealed they are asked to evaluate the type of celebrity they most often can identify as well as the least known. There are great discussion questions at the end of the activity for students to ponder as well as an assessment that asks students to create a claim or statement based on their astute observation about imaging in our culture. I am offering THE IMAGE TEST as an open source lesson as it includes likenesses that do not belong to me to sell, and have relevance in my school's proximity. Cheers.
Showing posts from September, 2017