Introduce A Classmate: Using A Digital Media Presentation

On the first day of class, I have students write to me about who they are, but on DAY TWO, I like the students to investigate each other while pre-assessing some communication skills.

The Lesson:
1.  Every student is assigned a partner. I usually choose by proximity.
2.  I read the prompt and the assignment aloud emphasizing the UNIQUE angle.
2.  Then, I show students how to generate questions using "Student Interview Notes" page 2.
3.  Students are given ten minutes to generate questions. I have provided sample questions for students who struggle.
4.  Then, each of the students get ten minutes to interview their partner using their questions.
5.  Then, the students are instructed to use any digital presentation platform to create a presentation about their partner.
6.  Based on time, I would have them present each other in front of the classroom to assess speaking skills or just turn in the digital media presentation on Google Classroom or other LMS to evaluate digital presentation skills.

After this assignment, I was able to quickly assess as well as create support collaboration with the students.

Email me with any questions or suggestions.

Assignment is located at my online store


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